Kingsway Youth Cheerleading

Congratulations to our Freshman Football Team...
2023 TCUFL Champions!

We will be making some changes to our squad age breakdowns to stay consistent with the changes Football. The age brackets are...
Pee Wee (4-6)
Freshmen (6-8)
Sophomore (9-10)
Junior (11-12)
Senior (13-14) Cannot turn 15 or be in high school BEFORE 12/1
Exceptions can be made on an individual basis if needed, please reach out if you have any questions. Age/squad changes may be may at any time given the numer of registrants.
We are so excited to be partnering with Victory Cheer Uniforms to bring you the best quality and fully customized bow to tow uniforms! Their reps are highly knowledgeable and wonderful to work with to ensure a beautifully designed uniform to look your best on game day!
Check out all they have to offer here: